Why someone will hook to your Facebook page when there is no shortage of information on personal timeline, google and redditt? Give your audience a reason to not only press like for Facebook Page but also take in favorites. Unlike individual Facebook Profile, pages are meant for companies / organizations / products and services. Here is how to get more likes and followers on a Facebook Page.
Chose Page URL Carefully:
Facebook calls it vanity URL. When you set Facebook Page for your company / brand, Set this URL same as your company name. If it’s not available, keep it around to near approximation. This is of great help when someone tries to search your company name inside Facebook.
Optimize Facebook Page:
Do you have good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) knowledge? If you are not an expert SEO, find one to do Facebook Page SEO for you. May be your website have 100s of pages and loads of content helpful to be found on search engines. Inside Facebook, you have only one page, optimize it for maximum output.
Schedule Facebook Posts for optimum time:
Office Secretary goes on leave when you need her most, but Hootsuite do not. No, do not fire human secretary. She knows more secrets than Google. Train her to use post scheduler like Hootsuite (It’s hot nowdays, you can chose your’s). Schedule your post to go on Facebook when there is maximum traffic.
Connect your Facebook Page to Twitter:
Harness the maximum power of Social Media. This way you are killing two preys from one bullet. Same time Twitter followers will know what you are talking about products and services. You also can connect Facebook to other social sites. Check for connections in setting pannel.
Share Facebook Page on your profile:
Press for share Button. Do not send it as a naked message. Say something in the box. Many friends might be new to you. So they did not take it as a vulnerable page or some spam. You can add a simple message sending invitation to all your Facebook Friends to check across.
Include Facebook Page Link in Emails:
Perhaps, you use to write 100s of emails daily to existing and new businesses. Include Facebook Page URL below signature. Many will click to see through it.
Post Quality Content:
Something never changes. Content is the winner. Quality content means people will like to read your feeds and share among friends. Only very few like fellow travelers who dozed of quickly on the go, normally, no body does. Keep your page timeline vibrant. Post knowledge not garbage.
Be Interesting:
Geometry is not boring, but some professors are, whose straight lines never draw longer than 6 inches. Variety works; instead of telling all time, you offer baby sit services, also post how to take care of a 6 month old. People are likely to hire you for your expertise.