Get An Exclusive Footer Layout Pack for Divi

When it comes to web design, the footer is one of the most neglected aspects. Because it is at the bottom, people do not attach too much importance to it, but it is just as important as the rest of the site. To help you create a nice and professional footer, we are giving away a new Footer Layout Pack for Divi.

This free package contains 10 professionally designed footer layouts that can be used on your Divi site with ease. Simply download file, extract it and you will find 11 .json files inside. You can import a single footer layout, or use a master file which will import all 10 layouts to your Divi Library.


Live Preview      Download Layout Pack


Footer Layout 1


Footer Layout 2


Footer Layout 3


Footer Layout 4


Footer Layout 5


Footer Layout 6


Footer Layout 7


Footer Layout 8


Footer Layout 9


Footer Layout 10

These 10 Footer Layouts can help you build your own footer. They’re beautiful, easy to use, and have all the features you need to grow your company and its online presence. Try one of them today and let us know how it goes by leaving a comment below.

Maciej Ekstedt

Maciej Ekstedt

Maciej is the founder and CEO of B3 Multimedia Solutions. He is a self-made web designer and marketing expert, and he loves his job so much that he barely leaves the office. He transforms creative ideas into effective strategies for his company and for his clients. Maciej is fascinated by the phenomenon of megalopolis. He notices patterns and details which make up the whole thing, and he uses these skills in his work.

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  1. Alex Lp

    thank you, they are beautiful! i tried to upload them in the Theme Builder section, but it shows an error. I realized they need to be uploaded in the Divi Library, maybe you should mention it in the post.

    • Maciej Ekstedt

      Hi Alex. Indeed, these all footer samples are saved as a section in the Divi Library. To use it with the Divi Builder, we need to build from scratch and then load footer section we want to use 🙂

      Anyways, thanks for mentioning that. We will add it to the post!

      Happy New Year!

  2. Dirk

    Thanks Maciej for the nice gift to x-mas.
    The footers are very nice.

    • Maciej Ekstedt

      Thanks Dirk! I’m glad to hear that you like it 🙂

  3. Sigrid

    Thank you, this is great!

  4. Mark W.

    Across the board, these are really nice! Thank you, and great work.

  5. Maria

    Thank you guys! It’s really a beatiful Christmas gift

  6. Rikke

    Hi Maciej

    Thank you so much for the gift! These are really beautiful.

    I have a problem downloading though. When I click “download layout pack”, I just get a scroll down the screen. When I click “Download sections” I get a file with containing 11 After Effect files – not .json files.

    What am I missing?

    BR Rikke

    • Maciej Ekstedt

      Hi Rikke,

      Sorry to hear you are having issues, but it works fine. The downloaded file should be and this file is compressed, so you need to extract it and then you will find json files inside it. Hopefully, this helps 🙂

      • Rikke Ekelund

        Hi Maciej

        Sorry about the mistake. Even though the file file type is Adobe After Effects JSON – they are still just JSON. I just haven’t seen a similar file type before. And that mislead me. Sorry for the interrupting you – but it is always nice to say “hi” to you 😉

        BR Rikke

        • Maciej Ekstedt

          No problem 🙂 I’m glad it to hear you have it solved Rikke. It was actually strange to me that JSON file could be also imported to AE so I had to check it… and it’s true! The primary After Effects format which file are saved in is .ae, but there is many other file formats that can be exported/imported within the app, including JSON.

  7. kingo

    Hello there,

    When i upload the json file i get an error like this icon (x). but it works when i upload a footer design from elegant themes website.

    • Maciej Ekstedt


      It works fine 🙂 Please make sure to unzip the package and upload unzipped file to Divi/Divi Library.

  8. Jamie

    Hey, first of all thanks for the layout pack itself and making it available.

    I download the layout pack and unzipped it and seen that the files were contained in a MACRO folder. I tried to upload the files into the DIVI library and I received a “This file should not be imported in this context.”

    I opened the JSON files and seen that they were all in a format for MACs.This makes me think that they are only available to download and upload for those using MAC operationg systems and not for those using windows?

    Please can you provide some clarification?


    • Maciej Ekstedt

      Hello Jamie,

      No… There is no issue with these layouts. They can be imported to the Divi Library on Mac OS and Windows. You must be doing something wrong or there is some issue with your installation or server configuration. Please make sure your server is setup properly for running Divi. You can check that in Divi/Support Center. The Footer Layout Pack download file should be extracted and then uploaded to the Divi/Divi Library.

  9. cassie

    can i use this footer templates on the theme builder?

    • Maciej Ekstedt

      Yes, the layouts can be imported to your Divi Library and then used as a global footer in Theme Builder 🙂

  10. Amir Latif

    Thank you for the Footer Layout Pack. Amazing stuff!

  11. Hussein

    How can I be a good UI designer in Divi like you are doing with these layouts


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