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Easy Tips To Make Your WordPress Site Super Fast
These days, all businesses have websites, but some are faster than others. Like most people, you probably use a WordPress site. It might surprise you to learn that these sites can vary in speed dramatically. Many people think that the speed of their site depends…
Crucial Reasons Users Leave Your Website
Your company website is a reflection of you and your business. You don’t just want people to visit the site; you want them to stay and look around it. If you have a high bounce-rate, as in people leave your site too quickly, you will find it tricky to gain a dedicated following. The design of your site…
What message your Logo Convey about your Brand?
Your Logo happens to appear first in your business portfolio. It makes the first impression. A professional image with a well-structured theme holds the key of whether you will win a customer or not. A well-crafted logo gives a reason to look further…
How to Leverage Visual Branding on Social Media?
Social Media is not a library but a park, where people come to enjoy time and relax. They scan through it instead of going through every minute detail. Why should someone stop to watch your card game in a Park when there are so many other players like you?
9 ways to use Google Plus for Business Success
Google Plus is one of the most talked about networks after Facebook and Twitter. Whether you are a mid-size business or a big corporation, a good use of social media matters in either case. Here are 9 ways to use Google Plus for Business Success.
How to optimize your website for Local SEO?
Most SEO work happens around those lines. Everyone wants to see his / her website on the first page of Google Search. In the rat race, website purpose is often missed out. There is virtually no good SEO and no bad SEO. Everyone employs almost similar techniques.
How to avoid Web Design failures?
The old saying goes, “Success is the hangover of failures”. Failures happen, in fact they happen a lot, and they are obvious every now and then. Minimizing the impact of failure is the key; something which is a success today may turns into a failure tomorrow.
4 Visual Tips for rocking Social Media Marketing
Unforgettable visuals build an unforgettable brand of your company. The effects that visuals leave in a potential customer are somewhat permanent. Social Media is like a business card. Are you a business card designer? Your customer will never return to you again if he/she…
10 Tips for great Website Development
Great creations are productions of smart minds. In the ear of Internet, websites are the next great things to happen. Whether you are an individual, business or community, having a website is must. When you are active on the World Wide Web more people find you. Be it boom or bust…
12 Reasons why WordPress is so popular
There are many Content Management Systems, both Free and Proprietary. Amongst all WordPress is notorious for powering the world’s most beautiful websites. Here are 10 reasons why WordPress is so popular!
How to design a landing page for your website?
Let’s us understand first, this often confused term in words. By definition a Landing Page for a Website is a page that loads first to say a Formal Hello to the website visitor. A landing page serves well as a Call to Action (CTA) to gather user information like Name and Email address etc.
How To Optimize Images for Better SEO Results
Your website may only have a few images or loads of them, however optimization is important for web pages; heading, URLS and tags or categories. People use Google Image Search and similar other search engines to find beautiful images and graphics. Same search engine rule applies here…